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Huse Ghostek - Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus Waterproof Case, Atomic 3 Series, Black (GHOCAS616)
Capace originale si accesorii Marci de Ghostek expediate direct de la producător. Asigura?i-Ghostek este caracterizat prin materiale de calitate ?i de realizare precisă.
Ghostek - Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus Waterproof Case, Atomic 3 Series, Black (GHOCAS616)
The order arrived in between specified time limit.
The cover, as 2 days passed from obtaining it, seems sturdy enough, comfortable to hold, fits perfectly my Samsung S8+, and it's a perfect replacements for my previous case (a iBlason one, FYI).
-Confortable to hold
-Study and reliable enough
- The string strap that comes with the packaging was torned off in a short time. Nothing drastic, but it needs to be improved
Ghostek - Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus Waterproof Case, Atomic 3 Series, Red (GHOCAS613)
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